GPAI Tick and Tally:  Volleyball

Categories for evaluation using the Appropriate (A)/Inappropriate (IA) and Efficient (E)/Inefficient (IE) criteria.
        1.  Decision Making (with Ball) - Criteria
                *Player attempts to pass to a teammate and thus set up an attack
                *Player attempts to pass the ball over the net/attack/score
        2.  Skill Execution (with Ball) - Criteria
                *Reception - control of pass
                *Pass - ball reaches target with appropriate weight, accuracy

        3.  Adjust (Player with Ball) - Criteria
                *Support teammate with ball by moving to an open space
                *Adjust body to appropriate receiving position
                *Return to ready position in preparation for next play

game play
If we were to give the students a letter grade for this PE unit on Volleyball this is the system that we would use where Game Performance and Game Involvement are each worth 50% to give a mark out of 100.

* Adapted from Dr. Hopper's PE 452 lesson on November 4, 2002.
